About Simon
Designer by day, mad hatter in the evening
A bit of Background
I am a UX-designer working for we are cubeĀ³ the UX-division of Puzzle ITC during the working hours and I also like to create stuff and play with things during the rest of the day.
I believe that design has a profound impact on peoples lives and that good design can make a difference, not only in looks but even more so in interaction. That said, I like things to be open and freely accessible and prefer a better thing to a prettier one.
I'm currently more focused at doing the X than the I of everything related to U. That said, I feel at home in the whole user centred design process and like to stretch in all directions. In addition, I try to increase accessibility in the things I touch.
I have some degrees in marketing, media science, computer science and have worked in a lot of fields including media research, business consulting, user experience and accessibility. I've also been cutting grass in the mountains using a scythe ages ago, distributed newspapers in the morning hours or worked on a supermarket checkout among other things.
When I'm not working I like to hit the playground, cook, build little kids LEGO dreams and cardboard armour, visit friends and family, travel to near and far away places where I try to take lots of pictures, look after our jungle at home, read a lot of books, make mustard, design mainly digital things, like this page (made with eleventy), or fonts only I will most probably ever use. I like to draw brand-images to put on other things, layout stuff for invitations, flyers or books for myself and other people, create stickers, have something printed for real, drink espresso and enjoy the sun among a lot of other things.
Things to look out for
Where are the pictures...?
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